Bin hoppers generally were circular and fitted with centered, circular outlets. that piping constitutes one of the major causes of bin hopper malfunctionthe other is doming. A material with a parabolic or Torre yield condition (fig. where Ro, is the distance from the wedge or cone vertex to the hopper wall and a is the inclination of the hopper wall to the vertical. In summary, the empirical approach toward the development of reliable, predictive bin hopper design formulas-including flow-no flow criteria, flow rate formulas, and flow regime considerationat best has produced a rule of thumb to prevent flow stoppage due to interlocking of cohesionless particles, and a method for estimating the rate of flow of cohesionless media through cylindrical bins fitted with centered circular discharge orifices. The only flow rate formula for cohesive materials within a phenomenological framework of analysis is one proposed by Johanson in 1965. Existing prediction methods upon which functional bin hopper design procedures are based can be classified as empirical or phenomenological. Figure 12 illustrates mass and funnel flow regimes. (1), If the fundamental units of the system are taken as mass-M, length-L, and time-T, then a straightforward dimensional analysis shows that, where the pi-terms () are linearly independent and dimensionally homogeneous products of powers of the chosen variables. The empirical flow rate formulas were developed almost solely for cylindrical bins having centered circular outlets. Once the wall friction results are known, the recommended hopper angle to ensure mass flow can be readily calculated. WebHopper Design Calculation Original Title: Hopper Design calculation Uploaded by Hamid Mansouri Description: Hopper Design calculation XLS sheet- for Process Engineers ( for Hopper and Silo Sizing) Copyright: All Rights Reserved Flag for inappropriate content of 126 1 Flow function a b 0 0.035 f C =as 12 +bs 1 + c 1 or ' 0 c 0 0.5 1 From and the material acceleration then, a = V(dV/dx) = (-V/A) (dA/dx). Variations have been proposed. Report DMCA Overview Download & View Hopper Design.pdf as PDF for free. Experimental procedures for the determination of the EYL are described in detail. Application of lHospitals rule results in.
For instance, the kinetic theory of gases postulates invisible disorderly movements and collisions of molecules and so is not a phenomenological theory. For example, the capability of present generation computers eliminates the former practical necessity of utilizing one stress field (the radial stress field) for all bin hopper problems. Empirical procedures are numerous, a testimony to the great variety of materials handling in bin hoppers and the differences in their properties (table 1) and to the large number of authors who have investigated various aspects of bin hopper function. WebConcrete Slab Estimating Calculator Sheet; Common types of foundations for buildings; Online calculation of construction materials; Estimating with Excel for the Small Contractor; Concrete Beam Design Spreadsheet; Virtual Construction Management app for construction ; Autodesks Project Skyscraper; Reed Constructions Reed Insight The intersection of this line with the experimental curve of fc versus 1 determines fc and 1 for the hopper and material under consideration. This ratio is expressed as T/H. Using =/4 in (53) and (49) there results an expression for the critical no-piping flow-factor, thus, It is implied that the angle of internal friction developed in the material at rest in the pipe be used. Each calculator includes vital dimensions for each storage tank, including lengths and diameters, as well as freeboard, clearances, outlet lengths and hopper measurements. If is the normal stress at the walls of the stream tube, then t = , where, is the coefficient of friction. Table of Contents. More details Words: 1,248 Pages: 31 Preview Full text The no-piping design originated by Jenike is based upon an adaption of the phenomenological theory of plasticity to the mechanics of bulk materials and represents the only quantitative design consideration of flow regimes extant. More sophisticated analysis of bin hopper velocity fields within the framework of plasticity theory have not led to flow rate formulas, although the work of Savage holds promise in this respect. The diameter of the outlet of a conical funnel-flow hopper should not be less than the critical rathole dimension. If S is the width of a slot outlet of length L below a wedge-shaped hopper, then, if D is the diameter of a circular outlet at the bottom of a conc shaped hopper, then, where Co, is the unconfined compressive strength of the flowing material and y is the specific weight, Since the flow is steady and density changes are considered negligible, the average vertical velocity is, where K is a constant and A is the horizontal cross sectional area at the point V is observed. A constitutive equation must be postulated that represents the actual material behavior reasonably well; otherwise, predictions will be of little or no value. The length of the cone and the pitch schedule are chosen such that the capacity of the screw increases linearly along the hopper length. The slope of the characteristics becomes infinite there and assumes a value of /2 , where = /4 /2. The traditional phenomenological descriptions of continua reside in the elastic, plastic, and viscous mathematical models of materials. In figure 11B two different zones are present-one is the central region of fast-moving material and the other is a region of much slower moving material adjacent to the hopper walls. One result of the analysis of Savage in the case of radial stress is that the flow also is radial and unique. If the underlying physical laws governing flow rate are independent of scale, then the pi-terms constitute the requirements for similitude between model and prototype bin hopper systems. January 1, 2016 | By Greg Mehos and Dave Morgan, Jenike & Johanson, When hoppers are designed without consideration of the actual materials being handled, problems inevitably arise. Throughout industry a prodigious variety of bulk solids are stored in hoppers or silos in quantities ranging from a few kilos to thousands of tonnes. Mathematical models obtained by statistical curve fitting, using appropriate parameters over feasible ranges, virtually are nonexistent. If you are author or own the copyright of this book, please report to us by using this DMCA report form. 6) would have a flow-no flow criterion in the form of. Prior to pipe development, the major principal stress at r=ri in the flowing central zone is given by, where is the effective angle of internal friction.
Tan d and tan or powers of these functions instead of or alone could have been used equally well without affecting the generality of the discussion. Contacts Products News Brochures Pyramid Hopper Volume In funnel flow the material that first enters the bin hopper is the last to discharge. STEP 1 - Get information on the powder The following data must be known in order to calculate the silo : The Powder Flow Function, the wall friction angle, the static angle of internal friction The slope of a curve at (l,/2) is just (d/dR) |R = 1 which serves as the parameter of the family of integral curves defined by (50). Jenike defined the flow factor using Equation (1): The flow factor is a function of the powders effective angle of internal friction, the hopper angle, and the wall friction angle. Design charts originally developed by Jenike [1] provide allowable hopper angles for mass flow, given values of the wall friction angle and the effective angle of internal friction (which is determined by shear cell testing). We recommend that you try to achieve a 3:1 or 2.8:1 height to diameter ratio for the most economical silo size. where the expensive revisions of other parts of the system had to be made belatedly. Feeders can also be a source of hopper flow problems if the incorrect devices are used or if they are improperly designed. WebFollow a guided approach to measure solids properties, choose bin shapes, and calculate hopper angles and outlet sizes for effective storage and use. Wall friction probably has a similar influence in that the greater the wall friction the lower the flow rate. It is interesting and worthwhile to observe that the flow-no flow criterion established by equation (7) requires the ratio (KCo/D) to be less than unity for flow to occur, thus there is assurance that the terms in (46) and (47) will be real. If you are author or own the copyright of this book, please report to us by using this DMCA report form. The flow rate formulas of Brown pertain to free gravity discharge of dry granules from wedge- and cone-shaped bin hoppers fitted with slot and circular outlets, respectively. Otherwise, material may flow preferentially from the upside of the valve and affect the flow pattern inside the vessel. 5), the angle of internal friction is introduced into the criterion and is defined as the slope of the yield envelope in the shear stress-normal stress plane (fig. Segregation and problems of blending generally are ignored although segregation-often a serious practical problem in the storage and handling of granular materials-can be considered, to a certain degree, as a flow regime question. For coarse powders, the maximum discharge rate from a mass flow hopper can be calculated using Equation (5): The parameter m is equal to 0 for slotted outlets, and is equal to 1 for round or square outlets. Throughout industry a prodigious variety of bulk solids are stored in hoppers or silos in quantities ranging from a few kilos to thousands of tonnes. Moreover, for a given cohesion, the bulk density remaining the same, a higher angle of internal friction will require a larger outlet diameter. Calculating the hopper wall angle is and the critical outlet diameter is critical in preventing arches from forming and if you want the powder to flow. By contrast, in funnel flow, an active flow channel forms above the outlet, but stagnant material remains (called ratholes) at the periphery of the vessel. and m = 0 for slot outlets or 1 for circular outlets when is zero. Zenz and Othmer present a useful summary of a number of empirical flow rate studies in the form of a correlation plot between two dimensionless parameters, one containing the flow rate (Q). Flat-bottomed bins are useful in many bulk materials handling situations but have received scant in-depth investigation. All field quantities such as stress and strain thus refer to averages over a small volume about a point. WebHopper Design Calculation Original Title: Hopper Design calculation Uploaded by Hamid Mansouri Description: Hopper Design calculation XLS sheet- for Process Engineers ( for Hopper and Silo Sizing) Copyright: All Rights Reserved Flag for inappropriate content of 126 1 Flow function a b 0 0.035 f C =as 12 +bs 1 + c 1 or ' 0 c 0 0.5 1 A mass flow screw feeder, comprised of a tapered section followed by a section with increasing pitch, ensures that the capacity of the feeder increases in the direction of flow (see Figure 13). Note: a minimum safety factor of 3 deg should be used. Bins, hoppers, silos, and bunkers are set forth in terms of their application to gravity-operated materials handling and storage systems. This document was uploaded by user and they confirmed that they have the permission to share it. The strongest criticism of this approach is that the results are of limited utility; that is, they generally can be applied only to the materials and bin hoppers used under specific conditions. With the exception of the integral factors, formulas (39) and (40) are identical to (29) and (30) for the cohesionless case. WebCone Bottom Silo Size Calculator Answer a few simple questions, and our silo sizing calculator will give you an estimate of the silo size you need for your materials. A radial stress field is one in which the stresses within a hopper decrease linearly towards zero at the vertex of the hopper. Ratholing can be avoided if you pay attention to calculations. Short-term research (2 years) certainly can produce significant improvements of existing bin hopper science. Report DMCA Overview Download & View Hopper Design.pdf as PDF for free. 2) is a straight line on a log-log plane and represents the better of empirical flow rate estimation procedures in terms of reliability and scope. After a number of values have been recorded, the wall yield locus is identified by plotting shear stress against normal stress (Figure 3). By measuring the force required to slide a sample of powder along a wall coupon, the angle of wall friction can be determined. In our first tutorial, we presented the purposes of hoppers, standard conveyor belt loads, and special hopper loading. In our first tutorial, we presented the purposes of hoppers, standard conveyor belt loads, and special hopper loading. Piping is much less understood than doming and is more difficult to control and to make a design for. The angles and are the hopper slope angle as measured from the vertical and angle of wall friction, respectively. Full realization of potential benefits, however, will not occur until optimum structural and functional design of bin hoppers becomes routinely feasible. An example of the former that deals with such important but difficult to quantify phenomena as adhesion and agglomeration during flow is the survey presented by Pietsch. A flow-no flow criterion is a rule or formula for specifying the discharge orifice size and hopper slope required for a material of a certain yield strength for flow to occur whenever the discharge gate is opened. Important computational details may be found in Stress and Velocity Fields in Gravity Flow of Bulk Solids. A hopper with a rotary valve should have a spool section above the valve inlet (left); otherwise, preferential flow may occur on one side of the hopper (right). In general the material properties, especially the unconfined compressive strength, will be a function of the state of stress at the outlet and of the compaction the material has undergone in its traverse of the bin hopper to the outlet point. Usually, the stress and velocity fields are coupled only indirectly through the network of principal lines, and thus only a relative velocity field can be computed. With the assumption (Harr-von Karman hypothesis) that the circumferential stress is equal to the major principal stress, the system becomes statically determinate in the sense that there are as many equations of stress as unknowns. This report is composed of two parts: The first part consists of a review and critique of existing empirical approaches to functional bin hopper design, and the second part consists of a review and critique of the phenomenological approach to functional bin hopper design. Published empirical studies supporting reliable no-piping design formula are practically non-existent, though a number of descriptive and case study reports can be found scattered throughout the literature. Should the walls of the potential pipe obtain a state of incipient failure that extends to the bin walls, then stable pipe formation is not a real possibility. When the material flows downward so that particles are always moving along the sides of the bin hopper, it is called mass flow. The real problem of sizing an outlet in advance of experience is then twofold, consisting of predicting (1) the state of stress and (2) the deformation field throughout the bin hopper. for circular outlets. Once the wall friction results are known, the recommended hopper angle to ensure mass flow can be readily calculated. Calculating the hopper wall angle is and the critical outlet diameter is critical in preventing arches from forming and if you want the powder to flow. 5). Combining the above relationships an expression for the critical flow-factor obtained is: ffc = (l+m)(l+sin )s()/2sin()(19). A screw that has a constant pitch and diameter (and a constant shaft diameter) will give rise to the formation of a flow channel at the back of the hopper over the first flight of the screw. One ongoing study intended to relate the ratio of flow zone width to bin width as a function of the ratio of outlet width to bin width with hopper slope angle and internal friction as parameters is expected to help solve the problem as far as cohesionless materials are concerned. This ratio is expressed as T/H. A functional, engineering classification of flow regimes by Jenike examines the complete bin hopper system and distinguishes between mass flow and funnel flow regimes only. This is accomplished by first testing the material to measure wall friction, and then calculating the minimum hopper angle that will allow mass flow. The application of the finite element method of analyzing bin hopper flow could result in a computer model that would be much more general and widely applicable than any previous ones. Engineers are often asked to design or recommend equipment for storing and handling bulk solid feedstocks, intermediates, and products. The effect of cohesion according to (29) and (30) is to reduce the rate of discharge relative to a cohesionless material of the same unit weight. Computers can be used in different ways. If you are author or own the copyright of this book, please report to us by using this DMCA report form. Jenike then states that values of the parameter (d/dR)|R=1 have been computed numerically and presents a plot (fig. In some cases, the consolidating load can be estimated by the Janssen equation (Equation (3)): FIGURE 11. 16) of this parameter versus the angle of internal friction . Figure 3 illustrates the information that such a study would provide. 2. Once the wall friction results are known, the recommended hopper angle to ensure mass flow can be readily calculated. The length of the screw must be between three and six times the width of the hopper to meet fabrication tolerances, and the screw diameter is equal to the hopper width. The influence of feeders on flow patterns and bin hopper discharge has only qualitatively been analyzed despite the extensive use of feeders. For this purpose, Jenike employs the EYL in conjunction with a radial stress field described in a different context by Sokolovski. The chart in Figure 1.1 can be used to obtained the flow factor, ff and the semi-included angle. Use our capacity calculator to find the tank that best fits your needs. Because of the length of the Jenike flow-no flow development, the essential steps without supporting details are listed here (in the notation of Jenike): Establishment of the flow-no flow criterion, B (l+m)fc/.(15). Using V = K/A in (44) and solving for velocity V, one obtains. The value of is obtained by substituting the value /2 + into the expression in brackets in (50) and, Ro = (2sin 1)-(51). Yet despite the maturity of the subject, design codes for grain silos and bins still are controversial. Throughout industry a prodigious variety of bulk solids are stored in hoppers or silos in quantities ranging from a few kilos to thousands of tonnes. Compared to liquids and gases, chemical engineers training in bulk-solids handling is often lacking. For example, if the kinematic angle of wall friction is 22o and the effective angle of internal. Figure 16 and equation (49) can be used to design for no-piping, provided the specific weight and compressive strength (, Co) that develop in the pipe are known. Figure 9 shows that, The pressure difference between the surfaces A1 and A2 normal to the stream tube is considered negligible. This often has led to improper or ineffective bin hoppers and even to bottlenecks. WebAJAX Hoppers for Reliable Discharge of Bulk Solids. WebHopper Design Report 1 Calculation Manual. The latter is associated with the analysis of stress and deformation in the bin hopper walls and supporting members; whereas the former refers to considerations of flow-no flow (flow will take place only when the yield strength of the solid in the channel is too small to support an obstruction to flow) criteria, flow regimes, and flow rate requirements for the materials handled. The term hopper as used in this report refers to a relatively shallow wedge, cone, or similar-shaped structure that converges to a discharge orifice. WebCone Bottom Silo Size Calculator Answer a few simple questions, and our silo sizing calculator will give you an estimate of the silo size you need for your materials. These three flow patterns have been analyzed within a framework of plasticity theory by several authors, but such analyses, although of interest in a basic way, are not in themselves design procedures. WebCone Bottom Silo Size Calculator Answer a few simple questions, and our silo sizing calculator will give you an estimate of the silo size you need for your materials. At a critical solids-discharge rate, the solids-contact pressure drops to zero, and efforts to exceed this limiting discharge rate will result in erratic flow. Usually, but not always, in the other theories the macroscopic properties are dissected and microscopic entities are postulated to represent the fundamental reality behind the macroscopic appearances. This plot shows the theoretical mass-flow hopper angles for hoppers with round or square outlets. In a broader sense, hopper refers to the outlet region of silos and bunkers whereas bin refers to the region beyond the outlet zone. The minimum outlet diameter or width to prevent a cohesive arch from developing, Bmin, can then be calculated from Equation (2): The function H () is shown in Figure 11. Uniform flow is achieved with the ratio of the hopper throat (T) and the hopper gate height (H) is 0.6. Equation (50) is indeterminate at R=l, so that a simple evaluation is not possible. Formulas (46) and (47) yield lower estimates of flow rates than do the Johanson formulas (29) and (30). An outlet to particle diameter ratio of 5 will suffice to prevent interlocking in most cases. Uniform flow is achieved with the ratio of the hopper throat (T) and the hopper gate height (H) is 0.6. The required outlet size depends on the cohesive strength and the bulk density of the powder. Most frequently the employed type of gravity materials handling system is the bin hopper and its underground equivalent the ore pass chute. and ffc = critical flow-factor, occurs whenever the equality holds in (15). The rathole will then periodically fail as the base of the material falls above the screw. It is an unfortunate fact that many installations are plagued by discharge problems. However, his method appears to lead to overdesign of a bin hopper. fc = unconfined compressive strength, A ratio of outlet dimension to intermediate particle dimension of 3 to 6 will prevent interlocking. Jenike [1] found that the hopper angle required to allow flow along the walls depends on the friction between the powder and the walls, the friction between powder particles, and the geometry of the hopper. The chart in Figure 1.1 can be used to obtained the flow factor, ff and the semi-included angle. STEP 1 - Get information on the powder The following data must be known in order to calculate the silo : The Powder Flow Function, the wall friction angle, the static angle of internal friction Depending on the vessel size, funnel flow can also induce high loads on the structure and downstream equipment, due to collapsing ratholes and the formation of eccentric flow channels. Hoppers were sloping as well as flat-bottomed. behavior. The test is performed using an instrument (shown in Figure 2) that involves placing a sample of powder inside a retaining ring on a flat coupon of wall material. THE ALTERNATIVE Many equipment manufacturers still do not use any rational method to choose their hopper designs. The presence of coarse material will influence these parameters, and even when they are not touching, except here and there, the larger particles do affect the flow. Empirically developed flow-no flow criteria are simply rules of thumb that pertain almost exclusively to granular materials lacking cohesion; a strong limitation in many practical applications. With a value of N equal to unity being decisive, a phenomenological flow-no flow criterion is. where Co, is the unconfined compressive strength and the dimensionless variable R = r/ri has been introduced. From figure 15 it is apparent that all integral curves of (50) pass through the point (l,/2). Radial stress field is one in which the stresses within a phenomenological framework of analysis one! Most frequently the employed type of Gravity materials handling and storage systems averages over a small volume about a.. Obtained by statistical curve fitting, using appropriate parameters over feasible ranges, virtually are nonexistent of... Are always moving along the hopper gate height ( H ) is indeterminate at R=l, so a... 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