*** Each and every person , Men AND Women who are involved in this so-called Protest for Freedom , should be rounded up and dropped off in Kabul in an equal exchange for those abandoned and desperate Translators who are waiting for just a taste of the Freedom that these Unpatriotic Canadians claim they have lost . An Ontario Superior Court justice grants an injunction that gives protesters until 7 pm to leave the Ambassador Bridge. And Im afraid the conservative party, some of its members, are so blinded by regaining power that they are supporting of this attempt to overthrow the government. Your delusional. I do care if your a hateful moron like yourself. Freedom of travel. Thank you for writing this. I would appreciate help in organizing a plan to stop or at least slow down the mis-informed activists. You should join CBC. This is not a Canadian government conspiracy, it is the entire world agreeing on the science that says vaccines, masks and limiting exposure is the way out of this mess. Was everyone in the BLM protests involved in the crimes or was it a small contiguent? Laws are there to restrict harmful freedoms. Marginal note:Rights to move and gain livelihood, (2) Every citizen of Canada and every person who has the status of a permanent resident of Canada has the right, (a) to move to and take up residence in any province; and. New world order? Ignorance was the first ingredient, frustration the second , and timing the third . What a liar. So surprise, surprise another group is going fill that void. Youre not fooling anyone with your capitalized rant. Maybe the issues important to truckers will have a chance to be presented in a focusd, effective, sane way in the future. We actually have restrictions because of cowards such as yourself. While stuck in traffic from the Freedumb Convoy on Alexandre Tache in Gatineau on Saturday, I was accosted by 2 flag wavers. Nearly a third of Hydro-Quebec customers in Montreal were without power early Wednesday evening as a powerful spring storm coated several parts of southern Quebec in slick ice. Thxs Mj G, Nice piece of opinion, its just sad to notice you admit on judging the movement based on your opinion and related facts while admiting not to have actually seen it or actually knowing what its about. Lets face it. convoy truckers hundreds cdllife participated loggers controversial #CONvoy of shame. Not virus , over government control &that did nothing! Freedom of Movement Freedom to Worship. Trudeau has allegedly interfered with the Attorney General of Canada in regards to a criminal case. Wouldnt it be neat if the world was like a movie. Guess what? I saw truckers being interviewed on the CBC, one wearing a Trump hat and another a Star of David, because vaccine mandates are like the Holocaust, right? I see it in how inarticulate the truck convoy members are. Witnessed all kinds of intolerant behavior here in downtown Ottawa (not to mention the irritating road closures). Get on social media, follow some Patriots and see what real journalists look and sound like. Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. The freedom to not have to carry around proof of vaccination! Everybody jumps on the bandwagon. It isnt him or me that are responsible for our lack of freedom; it is sheep who are too bloody obedient to refuse anything from government. I cant believe the number of selfish people here in Canada .We all could be free and doing what we want.Get or vaccination. One groups bitches, are another groups beliefs; it is that simple. Its the opposite of freedom, unity and probably rights. It was pretty scarry thix last weekend . we have programs to feed the hungry Were they on MSM? Or could it be other peaceful passive Canadians farmers, construction workers, housewives, and labourers were emboldened and strengthened by the truckers leadership? Youre a full on conspiracy theorist man. The organizers duped the Truckers? Canada should take heed of what happened in Washington DC on January 6, 2021. Im not a scientist and cannot say anything about it. I am just curious as to how much money you and your publication is being paid to spread misinformation regarding the experimental gene therapy being forced on humanity. There is no support of the vaccine mandate here. I always looked up to Canada as an example of great social ideals such as health care, diversity, etc. Bob Lee, a technology executive who created Cash App and was currently chief product officer of MobileCoin, was fatally stabbed in San Francisco early Tuesday, according to the cryptocurrency platform and police. I hope they wake up soon. Im pretty sure you dont have many that read your hard work, so Ill be kind and offer you proof that at least I did. You sheep cry about losing freedom because of a little jab in the armWell what about the freedom to have a meal, the freedom to even afford a meal? Your opinion means very little since its based on lies . No it was only to coerce compliance of the masses. Youre knowingly aligning with racists and Nazis to own the libs. Would anti-vaxxers be whining about vaccines, masks, quarantines & shutdowns if we were dealing with the Ebola virus? Are you referring to BLM in the States or BLM in Canada? Trucking has come to dominate the freight industry in the latter portion of the 20th Century, along with what are termed "big-box stores" such as Wal-Mart and Target. They are trying to downplay the Ottawa protest with unruly behaviour, meanwhile hundreds of police officers have not arrested one person. The arrogance of those protest leaders is beyond belief and the constant denying of established facts to push their personal agenda deserves retribution ! Tamara and her crew of lackies have tried this before in Ottawa, with lack luster results.United We Roll, Yellow Vest movement. 4. Windsor police say they are investigating recent vandalism at a local Hindu temple as a hate-motivated incident. Not surprised by any of this as the antivax/anti-mask cult has all but merged with fascist politics. Wow are you a troll or just really stupid or just really brainwashed. You only have freedom in a society as long as you arent infringing on other peoples freedoms (which you are). The vehicle experts at Edmunds take a closer look at these two top-rated SUVs to see which is the better buy. None of you and I mean none of you know the meaning of freedom. I received many calls from mainstream media outlets, asking me what the protest was about. This is about one thing and one thong onlyremoving mandates. Not likely. It is more brutal to me. So full of garbage, I cant even finish reading. This sad lack of actual reporting is so sad for every trucker and Canadian.. You really should have gone to Ottawa and talked to the truckers before you wrote this article. Theyre an intelligent group of people who quite honestly have a lot more time to think than most of us. I have told many that they just need to stop watching media outlets for crap like this. Both blocked the road and cause inconvenience for citizen and business. I am not tracker I am plumber by trade and I support trackers and everybody else protesting the government overreach. They would know that it isnt possible to the the US has legislated its own stipulations about unvaccinated truckers. This is an excellent article. How about this: remove all restrictions. Did you even go check it out? I hate the pollution they have caused with the convoy and the GHGs which will be contributing to global heating and the next heat dome for eons. You clearly dont respect that and the laws they make. After reading your article The so-called Freedom Convoy was never about truckers, or border mandates, the only thing I can say is Youre full of shit! Unfortunately, telling it like it is is rarely embraced by the ill informed, uninformed, those with a hidden agenda and the outright criminals. If the foot was on your neck or if your principles were being trampled you may have a different view. (Yes, even the petty tyrants on here hope you see the error of your ways!). Does this mean that every one of those thousands of Truckers are so gullible that they couldnt possibly have vetted these spokes people? Take the mask. It is a serious public health concern but has somehow become another Identity Politics football unifying a divisive umbrella group of extremist movements: anti-vaxxers, anti-Ottawa, separatists, anti-Trudeau, anti-democratic etc. Sir you had best read Johns Hopkins a very respected institution- review of how wrong Governments Policies have been . Do not trash our elected parliament. Trudeau will become a dictator if we allow people like you to continue giving up our liberties. I feel badly that theyve been used by what Ill call the forces of evil and fear. Freedom to breath clean fresh air, Informed consent! I am so sick of you journalists putting your own spin on your incorrect articles that you are too ignorant to research and findvtrue facts. Maybe in fifteen years well see you. This is a Trump or friend of stupids crew funding it. Im old enough to remember when truckers werent cowards, and would do whatever it took to get the job done. The opening of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms: I totally agree with you I knew once it was announced that funds were being raised through Go Fund Me by the Maverick Party leader that this group of truckers were being duped. Then fuck off and go live in a cave. Each province and territory needs to reach its full potential based on its regional and economic strengths. This comment section kinda missed the point of the article. Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them, and these will continue till they are resisted with either words or blows, or with both.. They just want to yell. Organized convoys are illegal - and two or more vehicles traveling together can make up a convoy- because they tend to impede traffic. ( some peopl Im sorry you are so willing to surrender yours and belittle those who are fighting back against the illegal mandates. Stop lying!!! To me it doesnt make sense protecting something that now your doing to your own fellow truckers. This convoy was subverted right from the start. The same day that Pat King decided to make his big announcement, the federal government had announced that truck drivers crossing the border would be exempt. William Dowling. Open your mind to other peoples views. Better a dissident than a supporter of genocide. Of course that particular video filled with colourful language seems to have disappeared but there are many more. If you wear one of those masks you will die from dust. It was a bait and switch. The tarnished reputation of Canada is going to require a lot of elbow grease and sweat equity to repair the damage done. Not that the vaccines work, in America, over 75% of the COVID hospitalized were fully vaccinated and boosted and not that it matters, since the average Covid victim had 4 co-morbidities, according to the American CDC, which is why you have a survival rate of 99.998% if you are under the age of 60. Then, when the people believed it was all being done for the greater good he started to become more and more aggressive with his mandates or rules. No wonder people think youre affiliated with Trudeau somehow! I noticed the racist American KKK confederate flags this white supremacist convoy flew. Mainstream media called you? Really!? The term can also refer to a group of ships traveling together. So how did his anticipated joy ride across the country, have anything to do with truckers. What I believe we need to do now is redirect this protest into something that will give every Canadian the ability to be heard. The 2023 Hyundai Ioniq 5 and Ford Mustang Mach-E are two such electric SUVs that deliver plenty of range, comfort and utility without sacrificing the driving experience. After the war was over, the Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1944 authorized the designation of what are now termed "Interstate Highways", but did not include a funding program to build the highways. We want to be heard. If were following the mandates of the biggest pandemic rollout failure in history you may be backing the wrong horse. and Emerson, Man. Plus the masks has a bad effect on society in general. Late Sunday, armed police seized a tanker truck with more than 700 gallons of diesel fuel from a staging area used by truckers and arrested multiple people for transporting fuel. Therefore, truckers must be aware of the laws in each state before forming a convoy. Im a Van. Attributed to singer-songwriter C.W. If you must pass a convoy, do so quickly and safely. GoFundMe is essentially funding separatists whose manifesto includes overthrowing the Canadian government. . During the late 1950s and 1960s, trucking was accelerated by the construction of the Interstate Highway System, an extensive network of freeways linking major cities across the continent. 1. Copyright2023 , all rights reserved. I served in the Canadian army . Lol. Oh, and enjoy having to declare as income the money that those go-fund peeps gave you. As far as the transportation industry is concerned major issue is the freight rate between Canada and USA. The convoy/protest is to remove the mandates and restoring our freedomsthats all. Having moved cross-border/cross-country 3 times, I know just how skilled one must be to drive those big rigs. As most of the other mandates and restrictions are under Provincial jurisdiction, this Ottawa invasion was even more pointless and unnecessarily divisive. It is very very clear to me that you too have been lifted over the barrel by the World Economic Forum clown you adore called Schwab! We all have our sources and we all what our team to win but there are good people on both sides. The mystery about what happened and the code of silence in hockey culture is explored in 'What Happened to Ben' on CTV W5. That includes anyone who is trying to latch on to the movement and bring anything other then the message that is trying to be conveyed. Canadians are waking up to lockdown. Sorry you got spammed by antiworker nazi trolls. You seem to have forgotten that our world is a global village and this protest isnt just happening in Ottawa. You were duped. This is the reality of todays world. WebELI5: why are trucker convoys illegal? They cant feed their families. Wow, you really are quite misinformed, sir. Love to you all Shove your freedom rally. Its called critical thinking and it is up to the individual to use it to decide for themselves the truth. Though the only reasonable separation act would be to give the land back to its original people but as Canadas lack of morals actually stand as well as a majority of its citizens this would likely never happen. Not being able to work heading south into warmer country is a great hardship. You are so right. How do we stand up to the bullies. With over a decade of experience in the automotive industry, Perkins has knowledge and experience with a wide range of car makes and models. (Why people have to protest if they have majority view). The commenters are being emotionally manipulated into placing their frustration at a situation behind a cause they dont even want to examine, because it feels better to yell when youre pissed off. We need a way to push for a different system. Study asks: When it comes to dating what matters more, personality or money? They are basically small f fascists but dont even know what the word means bc they arent too educated. so yes any law takes away freedom. convoy starts Trash talking !! So next time you try to report the news report it. For safety reasons, it is not advisable to drive in between a convoy, as this could result in a collision. free health care when i need it Interview any of the police and they will tell you! Theres more of these types at a Canucks game than here. Most quickly fizzled out due to a lack of participants. Some of the comments here are ridiculous. You talk about mandates like they are a good thing. How many did you or anybody else count? His insights and opinions on cars are highly sought-after. The locals that are filing lawsuits and complainingYOU CHOSE TO LIVE IN THE CAPITAL NEAR THE PARLIAMENT! Drivers are out of pocket and now they have to get back home and quite possibly find a new job that allows them to stay on the northern side of the border. I agree with your comments. Bidens mandates already got demolished by the Supreme Court. According to Ottawa police there were no major incidents during the protest. food for me an my animals it really is a freedom movement that means 100 tings to 100 people. Im a number guy and one thing that has never been talked about is how the US has just freed up 7-10 billion dollars a year for health care by using the heard mentality. WebIn some states, such as Texas, truck convoys are legal as long as the trucks maintain a safe distance from each other. Hold our Beer! if your ask what is the point to mandates, then your admitting the people that do understand why they were employed are not being heard(oppressed). Randy Bachman is shedding light on his incredible guitar obsession with a new temporary exhibit set to open at Calgary's National Music Centre inside Studio Bell next month. Have you ever cut concrete? Trying to deny that and it into some bullshit conspiracy thing is weak. W5 investigates aging asbestos pipes across Canada and the potential health hazards if it ends up in your tap water. We need no vigilante anti-vaxxers pretending to defend our rights, which are quite secure on this topic, thanks. Dont extend your peoples disinformation to everything for your own smug convenience. Vote, run for office, support a candidate, Do something positive not destructive.. If anyone here has been duped, Im afraid it is YOU. In contrast, other states, such as California, consider truck convoys illegal due to safety and traffic congestion concerns. Mandates only rob you of your freedom. It makes only people angry. The risk groups are almost fully vaxed and the remaining population that has not taken the jab are very unlikely to do so at this point. David Byers aka 1 Eye . Prior to that role, she was active with other far-right movements such as Wexit Alberta a party whose founder advocated for Alberta to separate from Canada and join the Trump-led U.S. Interesting, well written article. May God have mercy on your soul, Mr. Menzies, for such ludicrous statements could never be forgiven by those patriotic Canadians that have given so much to this Country. Every person has the natural, essential, and inherent right to bodily integrity, free from any threat or compulsion by the government to accept an immunization, according to a new bill that Republican Gov. The verdict is in. A good buddy said he would pay more to support the freedom protest. The economy was in bad shape, and the trucking industry was hit hard. 2. If one of the vehicles breaks down, the rest of the convoy usually stops to assist. And you were there and saw this non-event? Freedom to what? . You remind me of a song by Toby Keith , The Critic ( loser ). Our entire lives are governed by mandates, virtually everything we do in life, is limited by mandates and laws. For the last two years, the public health officials have, sometimes daily, moved their positions on what to do or not do. And whether you want to believe it or not its catching on around the world! They dont always come through military coups, they often come via legitimate elections, and then they use propaganda and take advantage of crises to convince people to give up their rights and freedoms in the name of perceived safety, and they have no intention of giving those rights back. Not likely. Your writing is shameful, pure propaganda, full of insinuations and without a shred of scientific evidence. And now a poster here has the nerve to call me a non-canadian???? Pay attention, because yall are wakin up there as well. Yes you may have one or two bad apples in the bunch, but there are politicians like that. Dont need a mask, next day yep wear one, maybe two would be better. The actions of a few individuals are indeed shameful and should be denounced and prosecuted. The wolf in sheeps clothing convinced drivers that the protest was all about border crossing mandates. Mandates? Do we need more decisiveness? Police attempting to dismantle an encampment on Vancouver's Downtown Eastside were met with resistance Wednesday, and at least one person has been arrested. Illegal behavior is not one of them. Long After Blockade, Canadas Truckers Have a Political Champion. Our freedom to not have mandates is being taken away by those who refuse to get vaccines. Personally, that for me is one definition of fascism.my way or the highway becoming |my way or a taste of violent abuse if you refuse to shut up. [3], After compromises had been made, the Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1956 authorized the construction of the Interstate Highway System, an interconnected network of controlled-access freeways that allowed larger trucks to travel at higher speeds through rural and urban areas. One person was taken to hospital on Tuesday after a stabbing at an Edmonton LRT station. These tests led to a 1964 recommendation by the AASHTO (to Congress) that the gross weight limit for trucks should be determined by a bridge formula table based on axle lengths, instead of a static upper limit. They are based on scientism and not science at all. What we need is for the unvaccinated to exercise their responsibility to the community and get vaccinated. Cuckoo cuckoo cuckoo. The trucks will remain until the document is signed, organizers said, dubbing its mission Bearhug. Stand by your values. As a matter of fact, Canadians are ahead of the game here! He openly said that it didnt matter, they were coming anyway. I put second comments. Yes the big companies that I know the protesters do not like. You clearly have not done your research and only listened to mainstream media propaganda . Justin please resign your not a true Canadian, Some of us are wondering where the lady with the 4 million from gofundme is. Thank you! They were funded by foreign money. I dont buy it. Do you really believe the millions of people now beside this rally are such and if so how could you be so blind. It protects myself. Read the stats, which undisputedly show the VAST majority of Covid hospitalizations & deaths are of the unvaxxed. I totally agree with this statement. You reject the agreement you get out. How many people are unable to fly to visit their relatives or continue safely working jobs to provide for their families? Use of this Website assumes acceptance of Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy, Stay up to date on the latest, breaking news, Prime minister calls discovery of Indigenous woman in Winnipeg landfill heartbreaking, Efforts underway to remove 80 tents, structures from Vancouver's Downtown Eastside, Nearly $1M in stolen property recovered, 6 people charged in Toronto police investigation, Alberta Premier Smith says UCP paying for possible defamation lawsuit against CBC, Toronto family found dead in river felt they had no other option but to flee Canada, lawyer says. But when the FCC eliminated the need for an operator's license to use a CB radio, suddenly anyone could listen in and join the conversation. What right do any of you people have to harass others like this? Someone got pictures of the urine splashed all over the Tomb and you can bet it was one of the anarchists who are participating in this attack on Canadas democracy. Democracy gives you ways to try that. Wow! [1] In 1913, the first state weight limits for trucks were introduced. I dont think theyre the ones on the right side of things historically. It can work against Canada and the U.S. of A. just as it did for the Soviet Union. For the first time in Canadian history, the federal government invokes the Emergencies Act, which gives the federal government sweeping new powers to restore order and bring the ongoing trucker convoy protests and blockades to an end. border blockade. Was what they were fighting for really worth it? Hello James, I have a great respect for the farmer and the trucker. I dont understand why these are people so-called convey making noise against covid vaccine for border crossing. About 5,000 white-collar workers at General Motors took the company's buyout offers, which the automaker says is enough to avoid layoffs at this time. How about the freedom to go to the hospital without having the fear catching the covid with all the covid patients in there? It is dangerous for other vehicles on the road due to limits on sight and if there was an accident, all the trucks would be involved in most cases (ie. These are your GO TOO rumblings? Cowards and crooks just what we are not looking for.not nation building material. so what was the point in the first place Freedom matters, just not to you. I dont care if your vax or not. But trucker also need places to park, use the washroom, have a hot meal, etc and the right to have a schedule that works for them and their families. Some have even gone onto private property and defecated on peoples doorsteps as an act of aggression towards trans and gay people in Ottawa. The people in power decided that they could ignore the issues and do nothing. Thank you James for pulling back the curtain on these occupations. A fencing World Cup event in Poland has been cancelled because the sport's governing body decided last month to let Russians and Belarusians compete. The virus is either no threat at all or of minimal danger to the public. Both side have Dias try to read between the lines and extrapolate the truth. It is about ever-increasing totalitarianism in our once great countries. How much of the $600 million came your way good Sir? Scientist findings are now looking at using MnRA to prevent cancer from spreading in your body. Some of this money comes from unknown and/or questionable sources. Of course some the goals are far reaching, but you have to shoot for the stars to reach the moon. but no longer. or animal shelter do something good for canada for a change In my opinion, your message is quite correct, though your spelling is quite atrocious. So much the better for having been researched and written by Mr. Menzies. Ashamed to be Canadian watching all this unfold especially using children as pawns. Quit resisting their determination to invoke sovereignty over their own bodies. An Ontario couple has filed a request with the Office of the Independent Police Review Director (OIPRD) to appoint a new police force to investigate the death of their 17-year-old son Benjamin, who died during a hockey team-bonding event in September 2019. That same vilification and assault of another based on their race, their gender, their right to intermarry, their religion, their disabiility is not legal but somehow you feel that you can pull that same discrimination based on a citizens right to choose not to have an invasion medical procedure. The only real reasonable thing to agree upon is masks are frustrating and itll be nice when more immunity develops that things end up like before the virus. 8. Trudeau and his party paid people to do this and blame it on the truckers convey. protest snarl convoy lanes moves When you have been on the road for weeks no food except out of coolers no showers no laundry no support from the federal government no jab required then all of a sudden its mandatory The truckers were duped and used by a pro Trump far right movement and its being funded by far rights from both US and Canada movement. Skilled one must be to drive those big rigs results.United we Roll, Yellow Vest.. Canucks game than here the money that those go-fund peeps gave you other peoples freedoms which. Racists and Nazis to own the libs Ontario Superior Court justice grants an injunction that gives until... Person was taken to hospital on Tuesday After a stabbing at an Edmonton LRT station the country, have to... These are people so-called convey making noise against covid vaccine for border crossing mandates a... 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